Thursday, January 1, 2009

Here's to a Handmade New Year

With a new year at hand, I'm feeling lucky to be pondering resolutions with my toes in the sand. I've been thinking a lot about the handmade movement of late, and of the many creative and talented people who offer their work on the many handmade venues available on the web. Like many people across the country, their art is no longer a hobby but a lifeline of extra income needed to help provide for their families. So this coming year I'll be buying more handmade goods. I'll be sending my money to real people who make real products, and who will hopefully choose to use some of their income to buy what they need from real people too. Sometimes this will mean spending a bit more for goods than I would if I ordered from a Big Box retailer, but often I'll be getting a better product at a price similar to what I would have spent on mass market goods. I hope you'll join me in making a concerted effort to purchase handmade in 2009. For those of us who are serious about supporting the idea and the reality of handmade goods, buying handmade on line as well as locally is an easy, meaningful way to support your favorite artists. Happy Handmade New Year!

1 comment:

JLynnCreations said...

What a wonderful New Years resolution! This past Christmas most of the presents I gave to my family and friends were either things I made myself, or handmade things I purchased either online or at craft shows. I think it just means so much more! So I'm with you on this, and many of my purchases this year will be handmade!